16 June 2017

.from WHY to THANK YOU.

I just read The Seat Of The Soul by Gary Zukav. It's an incredible read. It really challenged how I view my experiences. Gary talks about how everything that comes to us brings a lesson - good or bad it has purpose. The past few months here have been really challenging for me. I've been working on shifting a lot of my WHYs to THANK YOUs - to view experiences as potentials lessons or signs directing me to what is next. I'm headed east tomorrow for a big trip to see dear ones in Boston, visit Cape Cod, teach jewelry classes and participate in the Renegade Craft Fair. It's so exciting, so many of my 33 manifesto wants are going to happen in the next 10 days!!

Today I went on a morning hike and I felt so grateful for the land here - to be able to walk the foothills almost every single day. What a gift! My heart just felt full to feel so connected to the earth, again. Then I realized that even bigger than my appreciation for land of the west was that shift - a THANK YOU. On the eve of a dreamy trip to a place I've missed since I left - here I am - right here - grateful for the place that has been such a fierce teacher for me.

I think having access to open lands here has really helped me to s l o w down and be more present. To realize that in this moment I am so grateful for the lupine season splashing yellows and purples amongst the rich smell of sagebrush and tomorrow I will be so grateful to hug dear ones and be in the middle of the chaos of the East Coast, again.

I hope you are listening to your journey. I wonder what lessons are finding you!

1 comment:

Sandra Dunn said...

This is such a beautiful post. I will look up that book and I hoe you thoroughly enjoy the east and living your manifesto.